

"To mobilize our group of professional artists to work with students and artists in different communities in Japan. Through the teaching and practice of the performing arts, Artbridge Japan Collaboration 2010 will endow the students with the tools necessary to flourish within the larger community of artists and civic leaders, enabling these students to become capable and empowered voices for change."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chelsea says this isn't true...

So lazy bums are constantly sleeping. I'd like to update this blog briefly. We took the bullet train to Kyoto on the morning of 16th. Our stay at Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto's (13th through 15th) was great except for Brandon's expanding holes on the paper windows. I spent most of the time in Tokyo fixing his holes.
In Kyoto, on 18th, we performed at a contemporary dance festival organized by Atsushi Heki. That went really well and I got to meet so many old friends. Brandon kept restarting his Dragon Quest 9.
We arrived in Kobe on 19th. I had to go to the DMV because my driver's lisence had expired. On 20th, we visited Toyonaka Family Musical's rehearsal and the kids were awesome! They are going to do "the Wizard of OZ." on 29th. Chelsea and Brandon performed for them. That night, we went to a bath house.
On 21st, we gave about three and 1/2 hour workshop to 17 kids in Osaka. These kids are in the Wizard of OZ, and we did dance, music, and drama workshop. They were so nice, open and excited. Chels will write more about this workshop later. She does what she says she is going to do because she is a dancer. (I hope we will put a video of Chels drunk and shouting, "I do what I say I'm gonna do, coz I'm a dancer!") After the workshop, Chels gave another 3 hour dance class to 4 kids from the same group. B and I also gave a little bit of music and drama workshop to them.
There's a lot more I wanna write about these past 4 days but I just wanna post something before I procrastinate again.
We have 2 and 1/2 hour workshop for 5 days from tomorrow.
Tsukasa KONDO

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